Legal Advisory

Compliant with the Law 34/2002, of 11th July, of Society Services of Information and Electronic Business, general information data of are indicated.

CIF: B-63766786
Tuset, 13 – 5ª1º interior
08006 Barcelona-Spain
+34 93 201 00 75

Workshop & Show-room
Nàpols, 215, bajos
08013 Barcelona-Spain
+34 667 248 709


1. Correct usage of this website

The user commits to use this website (, its contents and services in agreement with the law and this Legal Advisory. The user commits to act in compliance of good practices and public order and not to use the website or its services with illicit purposes. One must not use this website in a way which would be disrespectful or harmful towards third parties or in any way that could damage or impede the normal usage of this website by other users.

2. Intellectual and industrial property

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The access to this website does not imply the renounce, transmission or cession, being partial or total, of these rights, nor does it concede any right of using, reproducing or publically communicating any of its contents without the written authorisation of IS DIFFERENT FACTORY.